Tuesday, 17 June 2014

26 Days of walking - Seville to El Cubo del Vino

As day 26 on the Camino winds down slowly, I have time to reflect on the last couple of days. I have 546km behind me and a lifetime of memories to ponder upon in years to come.

I now know what it feels like to be epically lost, I have been asked by the mayor of a town if he could pose for a photograph with me, I have been rescued by a priest, I have been handed food from a vehicle passing me by, I have discovered a wedding dress hanging in a tree in the middle of nowhere, I have practised my flamenco clapping skills with a real live Spanish guitarist, I have fed a horse, a few dogs and a dozen birds and I've had to run from more than one snake on the paths that I have walked

I have also seen some of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever experienced and I've learnt to appreciate the crispness of an early morning before the sun starts it's merciless vigil over a new day.

My Spanish language skills are improving and as always when I'm walking a Camino, I tell myself that once I get back home I am going to sign up for lessons before it all disappears in a fog of foreign words and phrases that I once understood. If someone ever invents an app that allows one to download a new language into your brain, I'll be the first to sign up! Not having the words to have fluent conversations is truly frustrating and I find it really tiring sometimes. One is constantly searching for the words that you have mastered and trying to figure out how to put them all together so that you can actually be understood, is hard work!

All in all, everything is going well here. I am on schedule with the distance covered so far. As I have 50 days in total, I need to cover at least 20km a day. Right now I have a few of those in the bank, which means that I can actually take a day off somewhere if I need to.

Tomorrow is a long day of over 30km, so I'd better call it a day. I have my own little room in the local albergue and as I am the only female peregrina here tonight, the bathroom for 'senhoras' is all mine! Last night it was exactly the same and I am truly greatful to have the privacy of my own bathroom! When walking like this one is forced to reflect upon and appreciate those basic luxuries that we take for granted at home!

In future posts I will share more of the adventures I referred to above and to prove I didn't dream them up, I'll back it up with photos!

Distance to Santiago de Compostela: 454km
Number of cafe's con letche consumed: Too many to remember!
Number of current blisters: Zero!
Pilgrims seen on the route today: 2

Inspiration: 'May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautifully put together site, Emilene - not that I would ever want to walk a Camino again, but I can so understand how 'one' would want to, by reading the account of YOUR Camino.
    Love Fellow Peregrina Stefani


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